Lightning Protection Products

Lightning Rod ESE nimbus

Product No:Pro200971514451
Product Model:nimbus CPT-1,nimbus CPT-2,nimbus CPT-3


Selection of nimbus model

It is necessary to know the protection radius (Rp) and the protection level (NP) in order to do the selection of
an external protection accordingly..

The protection level is a parameter to be determined according to the established standard. We use UNE
21186-96 based on NF C 17-102 standard. These standards establish three protection levels.
The protection level depends on:
· Lightning strikes density in the area.
· Situation of the structure to be protected (urban or rural zone, high buildings near the installation, …)
· Type of structure.
· Buildings location.
· Cost valuation of period of the installation due to damages because of the lightning strikes.
Sometimes this last item is the cause of selecting a protection level I (Maximum security), as the losses
because of non-operation the installation could be important.

For the correct selection of (ESE)rod in the external protection of a structure or building it is very important to know another parameter: the protection radius (Rp).
The protection radius is the distance between the point where you want to place the (ESE) rod and the further point from the structure or building we want to protect.

NP: Protection Level
Rp: Protection Radius
H: Height of the top of the Nimbus
on the surface to be protected.

Example of selection of nimbus model
Once we have the preliminary parameters (NO and Rp), we could select the most suitable ESE. For having a correct protection, the top of the ESE has to be 2 m minimum above any other point of the structure.
Example situation: NP: I, Rp: 50 m.
The ESE selection is done since its features board, by determining model and which height it should
be situated.

1- Selection in protection level I, the Rp equal or immediately upper rating(58 m).
2- The vertical index indicates the model to be installed (nimbus CPT-2).
3- The horizontal index indicates the minimum height (h) of (nimbus in this case, minimum 5 m).

