Lightning Protection Products


Product No:Pro2009430132944
Product Model:D2XYY、D3TA、D3T


DIN-type fixed, data and telephone lines protectors
D2 Series Ordering Code:
X as the operating current for the circuit rated current YY

D2 series DIN type fixed data protector
 Operating current  X Rated operating voltage YY
D = 300mA 06, 15, 30, 50, 100
H = 1250mA 06, 15, 30, 50, 100
V = 4000mA 06, 15, 30, 50, 100

• D2 Series - Surge current 20kA, 8/20μs, DIN-type fixed, appropriate for the protection of signals, data lines, computers, data communications, instrumentation, broadcasting and industrial control interface and so on.
• D2 series can be used directly interfaces with the EIA standard RS - 232, RS - 422, RS-423, RS - 485 and and the current 4 - 20 mA loop.

D3 series DIN type of fixed telephone lines protectors
Ordering code Content
D3TA Telephone line protectors, ISDN / ADSL / PCM circuit, operating current of 140mA, 20kA 8/20μs, one-on
D3T Phone line protection devices, analog circuit, operating current of 120mA, 20kA 8/20μs, one-on

• D3TA - DIN-type fixed telephone line surge protection, suitable for ISDN, ADSL or PCM circuits.
• D3T - DIN-type fixed telephone line surge protection, suitable for analog telephone lines.